Andy Gross Promoted to Director of the Advanced Capabilites and Integration (ACI) Sector for Trideum Corporation

Trideum Corporation announces the promotion of Andy Gross to Director of the Advanced Capabilities & Integration (ACI) sector. His sector leads corporate operations that span project management and business development with customers facing challenges to modernize sensors, autonomous systems, vehicles, modeling and simulation applications, human-systems interfaces and distributed Live, Virtual, and Constructive networks in support…

Trideum Corporation Hosts Students from the Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering (ASCTE)

On May 24th and 25th, Trideum Corporation hosted 9th and 10th grade students from the Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering (ASCTE) in the Trideum Innovation Center, in Huntsville, Alabama. The students participated in a design exercise fostering innovation, during which teams competed against each other. They also explored the realm of user research through Trideum’s X-Hacker interactive learning game.…

Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) Names Michael O’Connor as Chair

Trideum is happy to announce Michael J. O’Connor, Chief Technologist for Trideum will serve as the Chair of the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) Standards Activity Committee (SAC).  In this role Mr. O’Connor will coordinate and oversee SISO’s standards development activities. Mr. O’Connor has been a SISO contributor since 1994 and has previously served as…